Dental Treatments in Franklin, WI

At The Opal Dental Co., we prioritize your well-being, offering a patient-centric approach to make every visit to the dentist a reassuring and rewarding experience. Explore our array of services and discover how we can help you achieve a healthier, more radiant smile.

preventative dentistry in Franklin, WI

Diagnostics & Preventive Care

We get it, it can be a bit too easy to put off your bi-annual dental exam and we don't blame you, life gets busy! But remember, skipping your appointments can cost even more time and money in the future. Coming in twice a year allows us to catch small issues before they become time-consuming, expensive problems. Regular check-ups only take about an hour and we assure you that we will make it a comfortable process. Let's keep that smile of yours healthy with our excellent preventive services.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer screenings are a part of every preventive visit, and are a quick way to fortify your peace of mind. Through consistent exams, we can catch oral cancer early on, which gives us a better chance at treating it before it spreads. A routine oral cancer screening can even save your life!

Your dentist will examine your gums, tongue, and the rest of the soft tissues in your mouth, keeping an eye out for lesions and other abnormalities like lumps and discolorations. If there is anything that concerns us, we may recommend getting a biopsy, which will be analyzed by a specialist to determine the cause of the abnormality. Regular oral cancer screenings allow us to identify any potential problems before they become major issues.

Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays are safe, quick, and comfortable. Using the latest technology, we can create crisp, high-resolution images of your mouth’s structure, so we can make accurate diagnoses and treatment plans. Digital x-rays use only a fraction of the radiation as traditional film x-rays, so you can rest easy. Most patients receive one or two full sets of x-rays every year, but we may recommend additional imaging in the case of a dental emergency, or if we find an oral health issue that we need to investigate further.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments are one of the best ways to keep dental decay at bay. A simple, non-invasive procedure, fluoride treatments help to keep your enamel strong. After your cleaning, we’ll apply a fluoride-rich varnish or gel; we may ask you to refrain from eating or drinking anything for 30 minutes or so following your visit. Fluoride helps strengthen the enamel, making it more resistant to acids from plaque, bacteria, and sugary foods that cause cavities.

Cleaning & Hygiene

Regular teeth cleanings and hygiene appointments are the foundation of preventive dental care. During your cleaning, we will thoroughly cleanse your teeth and gums, removing any plaque or debris from every surface in your mouth. You’ll even be able to reverse minor stains to keep your smile bright and beautiful. We recommend scheduling routine cleanings and exams every six months for most patients.

However, good oral hygiene shouldn’t stop when you leave our office. Keeping up with your at-home brushing and flossing routine is equally as important as attending professional cleanings, and is the best way to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Use a fluoride-rich toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes at a time; and don’t forget to floss! Flossing at least once every day, ideally before going to bed, helps to get rid of food particles, plaque, and bacteria that can’t be removed with brushing alone.

Periodontal Care

When left untreated, gum disease can have serious effects on your oral and overall health. Gum recession, bone loss, and even tooth loss can occur without proper treatment, so scheduling regular checkups for treatment is essential. Our team can keep gum disease from compromising your smile through a variety of periodontal treatments, such as deep cleanings (also known as scaling and root planing). If your gums are inflamed or bleed easily, if you have persistent bad breath, sensitive teeth, or notice any changes in your bite, get in touch with us today. We'll schedule a consultation to get your smile back on a healthy path.

Soft-Tissue Laser Therapy

While the thought of oral surgery and periodontal care may seem daunting, laser dentistry has revolutionized the way in which these procedures are performed. Our soft-tissue laser utilizes a highly-focused beam of light to perform a wide variety of treatments and can be used in place of more invasive methods for more comfort and faster recoveries. Get in touch with us today to find out laser dentistry can benefit you!

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a great way for patients to protect their teeth from decay. Dental sealants are often recommended for children, but can still be a great option for patients of all ages. Plus, dental sealants can provide protection for your teeth for years after being applied.

Applying dental sealants is a quick, non-invasive procedure that utilizes a dental resin that is applied to the molars. The uneven surface of molars, which are located in the rear of the mouth, are filled with grooves where plaque and bacteria can flourish. After application, the resin is cured with a UV light, causing it to harden into a powerful barrier between your teeth and the foods, drinks, acid, and bacteria that lead to decay.

Night Guards

Unconscious teeth grinding and clenching, known as bruxism, is a common issue that tends to happen at night while patients are asleep. However, night guards can help patients alleviate symptoms of bruxism by creating a barrier between your teeth that protects them from grinding-related damage. Depending on the severity of the case, night guards can be made from several different materials with varying degrees of softness.

Sports Guards

Sports guards are worn over the teeth, and are specifically designed to protect your mouth from oral trauma caused by high-impact sports. Many sports put players at risk for dental injuries caused by collisions to the mouth, face, or head, but a custom-fitted sports guard can help protect you from chipping, cracking, or knocking out a tooth. Tailored to fit your unique smile, sports guards are both comfortable and durable, so you can play the sports you love without missing a beat.

A sports guard is essential if you’re an athlete who plays football, basketball, baseball, soccer, rugby, hockey, gymnastics, mountain biking, or if you participate in any other activities that put you at risk for injury due to falling, body contact, or flying objects.


Dental emergencies can be painful, stressful experiences, but we're here to help. If you're experiencing a dental emergency, the first thing to do is take a deep breath and keep calm. Then, give us a call to find out if you need immediate care. Dental emergencies can be anything from a knocked-out tooth or dental work to a persistent toothache. If you're unsure if what you're experiencing qualifies as a dental emergency, it's better to be safe than sorry, so get in touch with us right away so you can get the care you need when you need it.

TMJ/TMD Treatment

Does your jaw click or pop when you open your mouth? Do you regularly experience soreness, tension, or find it hard to enjoy your favorite foods? You may have a form of TMJ/TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder). Fortunately, there are a variety of minimally invasive treatments that can provide you with the relief you deserve. Don't live with jaw pain; get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you alleviate your TMJ/TMD so you can get back to living life with a smile.

Appliance Cleaning

We understand that maintaining your dental appliances is crucial for both your oral health and overall comfort. That's why we offer expert Appliance Cleaning services to ensure your oral devices, such as dentures, retainers, and nightguards, remain in optimal condition. Our skilled dental professionals use specialized techniques and equipment to meticulously clean and sanitize your appliances, removing any buildup of plaque, stains, or bacteria. With our Appliance Cleaning service, you can trust that your oral devices will not only feel fresh and comfortable but also contribute to your ongoing oral well-being.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

For an easy, effective, and convenient way to brighten your smile and boost your confidence, there's no better solution than at-home teeth whitening. Over the course of a few weeks, you can lighten your grin by multiple shades, all from the comfort of your own home! At-home teeth whitening is also one of the most cost-effective cosmetic dental treatments, making it a great way to transform your smile without breaking the bank.

cosmetic dentistry in Franklin, WI

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Do you want to brighten your smile, but don't want to wait? Ditch the dingy stains and discoloration for a more luminous grin with in-office teeth whitening! In a single visit, you can whiten your teeth by up to eight shades. Whether you're preparing for an upcoming event or just looking for a way to bolster your self-esteem, teeth whitening is one of the most cost-effective cosmetic dental treatments, making it a simple and effective way to boost your confidence.

Dental Bonding

If you're looking for a more conservative way to transform your smile, dental bonding may be right for you. Your dentist will apply a color-matched composite resin to your teeth, shaping and sculpting it to blend seamlessly with the rest of your smile. Then, they'll cure it with a special blue light to complete the process. Bonding doesn't require any invasive prep, and can cover up minor chips, cracks, and stains, often in a single visit. Schedule a consultation today to find out if dental bonding can help you achieve your dream smile!


While Botox has traditionally been used to smooth wrinkles and reduce the appearance of fine lines to restore your youthful glow, there's even more that this injectable can do. Dentists can also administer Botox to reduce a gummy smile, alleviate myofascial pain, and even soothe symptoms of TMJ/TMD. Because your dentist is an expert in facial anatomy, they are an ideal provider of Botox therapy. If you're experiencing pain in your face or jaw, or you are just ready to give your appearance a youthful boost, get in touch with us today to see if Botox is right for you.

restorative dentistry in Franklin, WI

Dental Fillings

Cavities are one of the most common oral diseases, so it's imperative we tackle them as soon as they begin to compromise the health and wellness of your teeth. When left untreated, they can cause serious discomfort and may require more invasive procedures to alleviate. Thanks to fillings, your dentist can halt the progression of tooth decay in a single visit. By stopping by for your regular 6-month cleaning and checkup, you can prevent new cavities from forming in the first place.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can help revive your smile if you are struggling with cracked or broken teeth. These tooth-shaped caps serve as a protective layer for the natural root of your tooth while enhancing your bite's functionality. If you have undergone a root canal or dental implant procedure, a crown can also improve the health of your tooth. With the option to choose from a range of materials, crowns are suitable for both restorative and cosmetic purposes, allowing you to smile with ease and confidence.

extractions in Franklin, WI


Extractions are always our last option — saving your smile is our number one priority. However, a problematic tooth is sometimes more trouble than it's worth. Your doctor may recommend an extraction as the best way to get your oral health back on the right path. With gentle techniques, and local anesthesia or sedation, decaying teeth can be removed to alleviate your discomfort or to make room for dental implants, a bridge, or another type of tooth replacement.

Dental Bridges

There's no need to keep covering up your mouth if a missing tooth is leaving a gap in your smile. With a dental bridge, the space left behind by one, or several, missing teeth can be permanently covered. The bridge is attached to your teeth on either side of the gap, so it won't slide around when you eat or speak. Your bridge also won't stand out from the rest of your smile —it can be color-matched to blend with your other teeth. Keep your teeth from shifting and reduce the risk of bone loss and problems with your bite by asking your dentist about a bridge. Schedule a consultation today to see if a dental bridge can help you complete your smile!


Dentures are a removable, affordable solution that can complete your smile after missing one or all of your natural teeth. To ensure a natural look and feel, most dentures are made of a combination of acrylic and metal and are custom-crafted for a comfortable fit. Looking to see if dentures are right for you? Schedule a consultation to find out if a set of full or partial dentures can restore your bite. It's about time you got back to living your life with a smile.

Partial Dentures

Missing just a few teeth? Partial dentures may be the right choice for you. Partial dentures look natural, are removable, and can be a great solution to restoring the function of your teeth and jaw. Make the first step in restoring your smile by booking a consultation.

Denture Relines

At The Opal Dental Co., we offer Denture Relines to keep your dentures fitting comfortably and securely. Our experienced team ensures your dentures remain a perfect match for your smile, providing you with improved comfort and confidence. Say goodbye to slipping or discomfort and hello to a well-fitted smile with our Denture Relines.

Pediatric Dental Crowns

We know that your child being happy and healthy is the most important, and when they get little bumps in the road, it can be scary! If your little one is in need of a solution for damaged or decayed teeth, pediatric dental crowns are here to save the day. Our meticulously crafted white zirconia crowns are specifically designed to restore those tiny teeth to their former function and appearance. With dental crowns, your child can say goodbye to discomfort and enjoy a durable solution that will keep their smile shining bright.

Pediatric Pulpotomies

Is your child experiencing a toothache that just won't go away? It might be a sign of infection, but fear not! Our pulpotomy procedure can alleviate their discomfort in a single visit. Think of a pulpotomy as a "baby root canal" that stops the infection in its tracks. By choosing this treatment, we can restore your little one's oral health and bring back their bright smile, allowing them to continue enjoying all the laughter and carefree moments of childhood.

dental implants in Franklin, WI

Dental Implants

If you're faced with the need for a tooth extraction or if you're already missing a tooth, remember you've got plenty of options for a replacement. One top choice is dental implants. They do more than just fill in your smile. They also restore the strength of your bite and promote the overall health of your mouth. The best part? Dental implants are not only long-lasting and secure but can also slow, or even halt, bone loss by imitating the shape and function of your natural tooth roots. Our practice places and restores implants thanks to our in-house implant specialist. Want to learn more? Book a consultation today to discover if dental implants could be the key to restoring your confident smile.

sedation dentistry in Franklin, WI

Sedation Options

Dental anxiety doesn't have to stop you from getting the care you need for your smile. We're happy to offer oral conscious and nitrous sedation, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy painless, stress-free dental care, no matter the complexity of your treatment. If you're interested in oral conscious or nitrous, get in touch with us today, and we'll find out which option will work best for you.

Ridge Preservation

Waiting to replace a missing tooth can cause serious consequences. Soon after you lose a tooth, bone resorption begins, making it difficult to place dental implants properly. Bone grafting increases bone density so that you can restore your smile with dental implants. Having strong bone density is required for placing an implant as it needs to have a strong foundation for the restoration. Bone grafting is one of the first steps in widening your tooth replacement choices. Get in touch to learn more about how we can restore your smile.

clear correct in Franklin, WI


If you're hesitant to deal with the metal brackets and wires of traditional braces, but still want to address crooked or misaligned teeth, clear aligner therapy may be the solution for you. This innovative treatment method uses custom-made, transparent aligners that gradually shift your teeth into their proper position through gentle, consistent pressure.Unlike traditional braces, clear aligners are made from transparent thermoplastic materials, making them virtually invisible while worn. They're also removable, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods and drinks without restriction.To find out if clear aligners are the right choice for you, schedule a consultation with our dental team today. Let us help you achieve the smile you've always wanted in a subtle and comfortable way.

veneers in Franklin, WI


If you feel insecure about your smile for reasons like chips, gaps, or discoloration, veneers can fix that and more. Veneers totally transform your smile to hide any cosmetic imperfections. They are expertly crafted from porcelain, a thin yet durable material, to attach to the front of your teeth. This gives you a natural, beautiful smile that you will feel confident in. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of veneers, contact us and we will be happy to schedule you for a cosmetic consult.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

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